Scientific name:
Artemisia vulgaris
Area Name:
New china, Beungkar kucicing, Suket gajahan, Kolo, Goro-goro China
New Plants of China is rich with a variety of known chemical content, a. l: Oilevaporates, alpha amirin, fenenol, dehydromatricaria esters, cineole, terpinen-4,1-beta-quebrachitol caryophylene 0.1. Roots and stems contain contain inulin which consists of artemose, small branches containing oxytocin, yomogi alcohol, ridentin.
Habitus: Bushes, chronic, high-woody stems 30-90 cm, round, branched, dirty white
Leaves: Single, scattered, sharing pinnate, hairy, 8-12 cm long, 6-8 cm wide, pinnatepertulangan, upper leaf surface green, lower surface whitish
Interest: Compound, panicle shape, in the armpits and at the end of the stem, leavesfive petals, green, yellow stamens, the stigma forked, purple, brown
Fruit: Box, needle shape, small, brown
Seed: Small, brown
Roots: riding, brownish yellow
Savor New China Plant:
New Plants china efficacious as a medicine menstrual pain, body weakness after childbirth, a powerful drug, impotence, cough medicine and drug seizures, heartburndrugs and increase appetite, Ayan (epilepsy), sore throat, dysentery, excessivemenstruation, prevent miscarriage, the movement excessive fetal, Easing childbirth,difficult to have children, vomiting blood (haematemesis), nosebleed (epistaxis),intestinal bleeding (rectalhaemorrhagia)
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